The Ontario Association for the Support of Physical Health and Educators, (OASPHE), is a provincial subject association comprised of teachers and instructional leaders in Boards of Education and students and leaders in Faculties of Education responsible for Health and Physical Education across the province.
Our association provides a strong voice to lobby, advocate and support the development and delivery of quality curriculum in Health and Physical Education, Kindergarten to Grade 12. Collectively, OASPHE has representatives from many school boards across Ontario and sits on a variety of Provincial advisory boards including the Board of Directors and Council of Provinces and Territories for PHE Canada, Curriculum Advisory Board (Ophea), Safety and Injury Prevention Advisory Committee (SIPAC, Ophea) the Ontario Teachers Federation, the Ontario Healthy Schools Coalition (OHSC).
Through our on-going advocacy, our representation on national and provincial committees, and our vibrant membership list serve, we seek to provide our colleagues with the knowledge and skills they need to provide their students with opportunities to develop the Health and Physical Literacy skills needed to make a lifelong commitment to Healthy Active Living and to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Putting teachers and students first...
...we lobby the appropriate provincial ministries, related organizations, and the community at large for quality Health and Physical Education.
...we advocate for the development of quality Health and Physical Education curriculum.
...we advocate for the delivery of quality Health and Physical Education curriculum.
...we provide support and leadership for Health and Physical Education leaders.
Click on the arrows above to learn more about the GOALS of each element of our mandate.
OASPHE is lead by a team of volunteers who are passionate about Health and Physical Education in Ontario. Our Core Executive consists of three Co-Presidents, two Vice-Presidents, the Past President as well as our Administrative Assistant. We also have Regional Representatives and Stakeholders as well as Members-at-Large
The Execute meets on a regular basis to discuss issues, initiatives, policies, etc.
We also hold an Annual General Meeting each spring, in conjunction with our Annual Conference.